Yiding Zhang


PLAN8T AIR S21 “The invisible sound”

Yiding Zhang is a multimedia artist and guitarist whose works are mainly related to installation, video, painting and sound sampling, and audiovisual art performance. His work focuses on human emotions throughout modern society, presenting the materials and media of life in a tender way and actively exploring the delicate situation of the 'identity' of sound in the realm of modern life. He was nominated for the Art 11 Prize 2020 inaugural K11 Young Art Creators Award.

张一丁是一位多媒体艺术家,吉他手,他的作品主要涉及装置、影像、绘画以及声音采样,视听艺术表演,其作品关注于整个现代社会的人类情感,善于将生活材料和媒体以一种温柔的方式呈现给观众,并积极探讨声音的“身份性”在  现代生活领域中的微妙处境。他入围了Art 11 Prize 2020首届 K11 新锐青年艺术创作奖。


30°24'59.6"N, 114°25'20.9"E is a sound Installation, using a variety of road signs commonly used for traffic and protection, as well as safety signs, blockages, and other ready-made objects in combination with sound playback objects.

The work is completed during the residency. Due to the epidemic, the artist was forced to participate in this residency remotely and stayed in Wuhan. At the same time, at the beginning of the residency program, Jiangxia District of Wuhan where the artist lives, had a new round of the epidemic, the city government decided to block all major traffic roads and highway sections leaving Jiangxia District and enforced isolation. Under the conditions of "non-domestic segregation and semi-lockdown" and a very limited creative environment, the artist uses field recording methods to record various complex, dull, anxious, or anxious events that appear in a limited activity space from an objective perspective. The languid voices, together form the memory landscape of the closed area.

The whole work is composed of different roadblocks, safety signs, traffic signs, etc., forming an semi-closed space. Ignoring the rules of road traffic safety, the artist relocated and arranged them to form a chaotic and disordered space. But audiences can hear a lot of sounds when they walk or pass by, which are played through hidden speakers. These roadblocks and prohibition signs represent strict enforcement of rules in modern society, an order under regulations, just like the ossified traffic control during the lockdown period. By resetting or even adapting its slogans or icons, the artist hopes to dissolve the cold and harsh symbols with artistic language and buffer the discomfort of institutional rules in the contemporary social context. At the same time, the voices during the lock-up period are part of the force majeure event and become a kind of voice conflict behind these signs under the highly refined event.

This is not so much a residency project, as it is an attempt by the artist to think about and dialogue with the virus, epidemic prevention, and the personal living space wrapped in the current human social city when force majeure and special times occur. This kind of dialogue is more like self-examination and monologue. In the post-epidemic era, art is a kind of comfort and “active and passive” creation in the face of the epidemic.




