PLAN8T 2020 AIR “digital humanity”

No. 63 Gaoshanpu Street | 高山铺63号
Installation / Mix Media

In this project, I see my grandma's family as a sample (No.63 Gaoshanpu Street is the original address of the family), and use the family oral history, images and archives as the materials to explore the structural changes of traditional families in China over the past half century. By visiting the family members of No.63 Gaoshanpu Street and collecting, sorting and filing relevant materials, I became a member of the family again as an “intervener”.

A Diary of the Land | 土地日记
Installation / Mix Media

In January 2020, a resort on the outskirts of Kunming closed after surviving hardly for years. Thirty years ago there were only woods and farmland on the hill. In the past 3 decades, the land has been constantly divided and transformed, the landscape has been changing and overlapping.

In the early 1990s, when the resort was struggling and the land was sold off to private owners, my father bought land and built a house, so I spent all my childhood holidays here. In April 2020, I returned to Kunming from London to escape the epidemic outbreak, but was surprisingly taken to this place by the CDC for the quarantine. The exquisite green belts were planted with crops by farmers, and the artificial lakes was pumped away for irrigation. The corn leaves are as luxuriant as they were 30 years ago. After 14 days quarantine, I decided to stay and work there in a sense of residency. The project A Diary of the Land revolves around my research, memory and imagination of this place.

There is something new emerging in the silence. Snakes and mice come out from the holes, birds come to build nests, all the facilities become sculptures, and I am the only spectator at this time.

Challenge Paper