Kalman Pool
PLAN8T 2020 AIR “digital humanity”
UU & BoomSx
Air Inflated Sculpture
Floor #2: Virtual World & Simulacra
Air and Care compose as the mechanism, eventually activating the aliveness of the inflatable sculpture:
As a metaphor, the inflatable sculpture is like an air-jellyfish. While the jellyfish is made out of 95% of water, similarly, the inflatable sculpture is composed of 95% of air. Although it may not move, its essential element—air, is somewhat corresponding to that of water for jellyfish, to a certain extent, gives it biomimetic characteristics.
The aliveness of the inflatable sculpture is revealed in the instability of the material it uses—PVC. Air leakage as a major accident is more likely to happen in the case of plastic-made inflatables frequently, it is necessary to inflate it regularly every day or every few days to secure a better shape, a suitable living condition. Hence, this action of taking care paradoxically reflects the living state of the inflatable sculpture, despite being an inanimate, non-bio object, triggering its aliveness—a profound leap that transforms the inanimate to the autonomous living being thereby transcending beyond mechanical reproduced simulacra.
Floor #1: Challenge Paper